Deliver your car and get money straight to your account

Together we fill in a wreck report with information about the vehicle’s characteristics and chassis number. We send it to the right authority, quickly and easily for you.

Passenger car/2 seat car: NOK. 3.000,-
MC/scooter: NOK. 500,-
Lorries and cars abow 3,5 tons: NOK. 5.000,-
Camper van and RV´s: NOK. 3.000,-
Snowmobile: NOK. 3.000,-
Recreational craft: NOK. 1.000,-

We pick up vehicles in theese regions:

Løten/Stange/Tangen/Gjøvik/Biri area: 
NOK. 700,-

Brøttum/Hamar/Nes/Moelv area:
NOK. 500,-

Brumunddal/Nybygda/Brumund/Veldre og omegn:
kr. 400,-

Use pick up form here ( Link til skjema)

No, the wreck deposit follows the car, not the owner. Whoever delivers and legitimizes himself receives the deposit. This person is also responsible for the vehicle being lawfully condemned / rejected.

We pick up vehicles in Ringsaker, Hamar, Stange and Løten. Fill in and send in the form and we will pick it up as soon as we have the opportunity.

  • Any septic tank must be removed or emptied.
  • Chassis number must be legible
  • The car must have had a sign after 1 January 1977

Receipt for handed in plates, physical plates or preferably vehicle papers. We can deliver the license plat for you free of charge. You must also have identification and account number. In the case of a company, organisation number must be presented.

No, compressed cares or cars where the roof is pinched must be opened for control of environmentally hazardous substances. This is extra work that is charged to the person delivering the car.

No. The car must be free of rubbish and waste that does not belong to the car.

The car can be delivered with a maximum of 8 wheel sets + spare wheels. Wheels beyond this are agreed in each individual case.

No. The car must be delivered between 08:00 – 16:00 on weekdays.

Car plates are the customer’s responsibility and must be delivered to the car inspectorate. We can also deliver the plates for you if you like.